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Welcome to ‘Day 11’ in the month long series of articles cataloging
 Simple Organizing Solutions!  

If you’ve been reading from the beginning, you’ve hopefully already, 1) Gotten the right mindset and motivation needed to get organized.  2) Zeroed in on one small area to focus your efforts.  3) Have begun narrowing down your belongings to what what you love, use and actually have the room to store. and 4) Considered how to cut clutter at the source by giving each item a specific ‘home’ stored in groups of like items (5) & set a maintenance plan in motion. 

When living in colder climates, our family has used hanging canvas organizers like these to hold our winter gear like mittens, scarves and hats.   Each person had their own slot or set of slot/shelves to hold their individual items.

Here’s a few other ideas:
over the door shoe organizer
Giant wall mounted clothes pins:

uploaded to pinterest

assign a basket to each individual family member
like these wall mounted wire baskets

click here for DIY tutorial via MarthaStewart.com


Click here for a full index list of articles from this series 

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