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Welcome to ‘Day 10’ in the month long series of articles cataloging
 Simple Organizing Solutions!  

If you’ve been reading from the beginning, you’ve hopefully already, 1) Gotten the right mindset and motivation needed to get organized.  2) Zeroed in on one small area to focus your efforts.  3) Have begun narrowing down your belongings to what what you love, use and actually have the room to store. and 4) Considered how to cut clutter at the source by giving each item a specific ‘home’ stored in groups of like items (5) & set a maintenance plan in motion. 

I absolutely adore this solution for corralling all the random STUFF that kids seem to produce…

“If  {mom} sees or collects any one’s ‘crap’ throughout the house, it goes in that person’s basket. When they are on their way upstairs, they need to either take their crap or just take the whole basket full of crap with them.”

*Bonus expectation
If the basket is not emptied out and put away by the end of the day, the contents goes into moms collection and the guilty party needs to earn it back.

Here are a few other interpretations of this idea:

Wall Mounted
Better Homes & Gardens

Color Coded Dollar Store Baskets

Under a Bench:
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