There are so many options to pay bills these days. It can be difficult and overwhelming to keep up with what’s been paid, when and HOW. You can pay through vendor websites, over the phone, draft an electronic check through your bank, and the ‘old fashioned’ mailed check with a paper statement still works too.
While the convenience of on-line bill pay is attractive, one still needs to actually pay on time to avoid those pesky late fees and it does not eliminate the stress of keeping up with the paying all of them.
I decided to create a Bill Pay Log to help stay on track!
I have been personally using this log to successfully track the following:
1) When bills are due
2) The amount that is due
3) When bill has been paid
4) The method in which it was paid (and confirmation # if it was done on-line)
5) I also added a space to track income and expenses and note any other financial events.
Using this log has given me such a peace of mind knowing that all my expenses are taken care of.
The method and confirmation space has been especially helpful to have logged in the event there is a discrepancy with payment. You can record both the outlet you used to pay, and the type of payment (specific card or account). Then, if you are notified of a late or missed payment that you disagree with, you have an easy reference to quickly and easily determine if the payment really did go through or not.
My Bill Pay Log lives in a 3 ring binder and I simply slide it in one side of an Avery Slash pocket Divider:
It’s important to remember that just having a system like this established is not enough to keep you organized in paying your bills. A few HABITS need to also be in place to ensure your success…
When I get notification of a bill being due, I have gotten in the habit of recording it right away.
This is part of my daily Paper & Mail Flow System (more to come on that system soon!)
After I write down the due date, bill type, and amount –
If you have e-billing you can either just use the log to write down when you receive an electronic notification, or you can print out a hard copy of the e-statement.
It’s SO great to have it all in one place!!
Another habit I have formed around this system is to review what bills coming up due each week. That way, I can track with the help of my calendar to keep tabs on when I need to make an appointment with myself to sit down and take care of what is due.
I had the pleasure of creating a functional / organized space from a beautiful blank canvas in this featured project! The client had visions of creating a hobby / crafting space in her 2nd story sun porch. All the crafting supplies were there and packed away, but a lot of sorting needed to take place in order to weed out any materials not used or needed before the best storage solutions were created.
I am so thankful that my fantastic clients often graciously volunteer to share the amazing transformation of the spaces we work on together (I only publicly share photos with written permission from client projects).
Here is where we started – a room full of boxes…
And here is the glorious AFTER!!!
Another view of the room before…
NOW, there is a place for all the supplies!
The shelving (KALLAX) and white bins (DRONA) / boxes (TJENA) are from IKEA.
Aqua printed fabric bins from Wal Mart.
Check out the built in dividers inside this IKEA TJENA box! Perfect for all the fun little embellishments:
As a Professional Organizer, I’m always game for chatting about the many strategies for success in organizing. So, it was a distinct pleasure to participate in a podcast with Mark Dillon, host of Organize Mindfully.
“Twice a week the Organize Mindfully Podcast brings you organizing professionals, designers, mindfulness teachers and people who are living an inspired and organized life. They share amazing insights, new ideas, tips & techniques so you can grow, gain inspiration and bring order to your life. From there you can accomplish anything. “
One thing I wanted to expand on from our interview was what helps me shake out of an organizing ‘slump’, or how I can get motivated to get my motivation back after periods of rest. After further reflection, I recalled that what really helps me the most is the use of lists and creating habits.
Utilizing task and to-do lists never fail to keep me on track. Creating habits around the use of these lists (a particular day or time to refer to the lists and / or the items on them) is a huge factor in getting / staying motivated.
This certainly goes with the theme of the rest of our conversation that featured the importance of writing things down. By having a list of things I need or want to accomplish daily / weekly / monthly, the list can become my ‘boss’ or ‘manager’ reminding me and prompting me of what important tasks need to be done. A habitual day or time to refer to these lists serves to either keep me on track, or gets me back on track.
Check out some FREE PRINTABLE CHECKLISTS that I created to help stay on track of recurring home management tasks.
Mark produced a great follow-up episode to our discussion, expanding on how to keep track of things in your life on Episode #59 as well.
If you enjoy expanding your knowledge on all things organizing or you’d like an outlet to hear from other organizational industry professionals, make sure to explore and subscribe to the Organize Mindfully Podcast!
Would you agree that sending personal notes in the mail is a lost art?
When was the last time you sent or received a greeting card in the mail?
If you DO send cards, who do you send them to?
If you receive cards, who most often sends them to you?
For what occasions?
If you’re like me, cards don’t get sent very often.
If you’re like me, you’ve slowly resorted to depending on facebook to tell you when it’s time to say ‘Happy Birthday’.
It’s really no wonder why this is the case when you find yourself in a season of life where extra time and energy is limited.
It takes time and planning to purchase both physical cards as well as postage in order to mail out.
It takes effort and intention to keep stock of and store a variety of cards for multiple occasions, not to mention finding a place to store them in the home so it’s easy to find when you need them. And, of course, you need to actually remember to SEND the card when the time comes as well.
However, if you’re like me, you still sincerely ENJOY receiving cards in the mail, right?
You still get a warm and fuzzy feeling reading appreciative or encouraging words chosen with you in mind, right? When you get a special note in the mail, it might even make you wish you had the extra time, energy, or resources to do the same once in a while.
Wouldn’t it be great to get back in the habit of showing appreciation and enriching the lives of important people in your life with a simple card in a more easy and affordable way (that will additionally prompt you to send the important greeting in a timely manner as well!) !?
I was recently re-introduced to a company that accomplishes ALL that in one!
With Send Out Cards, you simply choose or create a card from the comfort of your own home on line. Then, the company will print, address, stamp and send it out to your loved one the very next day!!
A physical card will soon arrive in the recipients mailbox that has the capability to use either custom fonts or your own handwriting as well!
There are over 18,000 cards to choose from.
You’re sure to find one to suit whatever occasion you’d like to honor.
Or, you can custom design your card.
My personal favorite feature is the ability to add your own photos!
It instantly personalizes your message and makes it even more memorable!
Another amazing feature is the capability to add a gift to be shipped with the card!!
Can you believe it gets even EASIER to send out
some love and appreciation to important people in your life?
You can create a card, attach photos already available on your phone immediately when you’re thinking about it!
Download the app for free and log in to access your already established account.
I recently visited and stayed with an out-of-state friend. It was a wonderful visit and my friend was the most generous and thoughtful hosetess. With the Send Out Cards App, it was so fun to send her a Thank You card with photos of our fun together the night BEFORE I even left!
There are several payment options to choose from depending on the type and quantity of cards you want to send.
Each type of card has a particular ‘point’ value and each specialized feature has an additional ‘point’ value. So, you begin by purchasing these ‘points’ to use as you choose. These purchased points are banked for an entire year from the time they are purchased.
Do you enjoy sending Photo Greeting Cards for the Holiday Season?
Send Out Cards currently has the best possible rate compared to other popular outlets particularly if you subscribe by the month and ‘save up’ the allotted points for special occasions.
If you have any more questions about Send Out Cards, please contact my friend, Kim Larson for more information:
678-877-0576 *Disclaimer* I was given a temporary complimentary account for the purposes of test driving this service. I only agree to review or endorse goods and services that I would consider using myself or suggest as a helpful solution to one of my valued clients. All opinions are my own. I’m now a BIG fan of Send Out Cards!
Have you ever wondered why you can’t seem to stay organized?
You read all the ‘organizing’ magazine articles, books and blogs.
You’ve got an amazing collection of fantastic organizing ideas and photos of beautifully organized spaces collected on your ‘get organized’ pinterest board.
Maybe you’ve even attempted to put some of the ideas and strategies you’ve read about into action?
Yet, even when you create a beautiful system using all the suggested materials and supplies intended to GET you organized…. it doesn’t seem to always STAY organized?
Or, maybe you observe that you once considered yourself to be fairly organized in a previous stage in life. But now, for some reason you can’t put your finger on – not so much.
I would challenge you to consider if you are putting enough energy and attention into the HABITS required to maintain the SYSTEM you have created.
The systems you create are only as effective as the habits you keep.
Identifying a useful and functional system to organize any area is certainly a great (and worthwhile!) first step – but I wonder if some may expect the system to magically solve all the clutter problems without putting the necessary planning and effort into the idenification and implementation of HABITS needed to make the system work?
That ‘Command Center‘ intended to keep your schedules and reference materials organized is only useful if you regularly update new information and purge the old.
The Paper Flow / Filing System you put into place will only actually limit and control paper build-up if you PLAN regular blocks of time each day / week / month to: 1) Filter the incoming paper into the correct categories, 2) Act or follow through on tasks represented on ‘To-Do’ related papers, 3) File documents into long-term filing system, 4) Purge files on a regular basis.
Toy Storage Solutions you create will only remain tidy when you 1) Teach children about the system and 2) Plan regular blocks of time to guide the children to put things back where they belong. Even 10 minutes at a time, a few times a day will work wonders!
It comes down to being consistent with the HABITS
required to maintain whatever system you create.
At the end of the day, the more STUFF you have aquired = more time and energy required to maintain the habits of keeping it all tidy. All the more reason to edit the amount of belongings and collections to only what you truly find useful and beautiful.