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Welcome to ‘Day 17’ in the month long series of articles cataloging
 Simple Organizing Solutions!  

If you’ve been reading from the beginning, you’ve hopefully already, 1) Gotten the right mindset and motivation needed to get organized.  2) Zeroed in on one small area to focus your efforts.  3) Have begun narrowing down your belongings to what what you love, use and actually have the room to store. and 4) Considered how to cut clutter at the source by giving each item a specific ‘home’ stored in groups of like items (5) & set a clutter maintenance plan in motion. 

When it comes to routine home maintenance,
 It’s easier to KEEP UP, than it is to CATCH UP. 

Think about what happens in your home each and every day that results in messy build-up…

People eat – resulting in dirty dishes
People wear clothing – resulting in dirty laundry
People make messes – resulting in dirt/crumbs etc.
Paper will enter your life – piles will build

Developing a habit of  tending to a few routine tasks per day will ultimately save you large amounts of time and stress that will result when allowed to build up over time.

If you’re new to building routine home maintenance tasks into your day, don’t forget to ‘start small’ with this goal as well…
‘Do One Thing’ notepad by PrettyBitter

Work on tending to one new daily task (that your future self will thank you for) at a time.
You can work towards adding in new routine tasks slowly over time.  
What is one small task that if tended to daily would ultimately save you time and lessen stress? 
If you are a mother to an infant, I encourage you keep this ‘one task’ your goal and be exceedingly satisfied.  🙂

Click here for a full index list of articles from this series 

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