Stylish Organizing Solutions on a Dime

Stylish Organizing Solutions on a Dime

One of my recent articles highlighted Secrets to Organizing with Style.

The BIG secret?

Use storage containers that are uniform in form and color.

What if you don’t have the extra funds to go out and buy coordinating containers?  Why not change up the look of a container you already have or that you could find on the ultra cheap at a local dollar or thrift store!

The easiest way to change up the look of any container is simply to cover it:
Cover a shoe box with fabric like Wanna Be Balanced Mom
Use a stylish towel to cover a plastic bin like

The majority  of the containers on the shelving in this sewing room (from Sew Many Ways)
are simple cardboard boxes covered in fabric!

Magazine files are made from cereal boxes.
Drawer boxes were once packaging from water bottles!

It’s hard to believe that this stunning display of colorful containers
{featured by}
are also simple cardboard boxes with a handle cut out!

 ( *note* the uniformity of size of box makes a huge difference in presentation as well)

“Perfect for stashing all sorts of supplies, tools, and odds and ends.”

Covering the inside of  clear plastic containers with craft or wrapping paper is a clever way
to hide what’s stored inside while adding some color and style to your creative space.

{Featured at Inspiration for Decoration}

Take a standard metal filing tray from drab to FAB by covering it with some pretty fabric like
 Under the Sycamore:

You can also cover storage containers with paint:

Find tutorial for these Lacquer Look-a-likes from Centsational Girl

Create & paint your own color coordinating magazine files:

Find tutorial at Feathers & Fingerprints

What are storage supplies are you now planning to cover in order to inject some pretty organized style in your space?Have you created some stylish storage lately?  Share with us!
Secret Tips for Organizing with Style!

Secret Tips for Organizing with Style!

Have you ever wondered how to achieve that lovely stylized look that seems so effortlessly displayed on the catalog and web pages from  some your favorite organizing stores and designers?

Here’s a few tips ~

One main rule to stylish storage solutions is to keep things the same.

Display containers and organizational supplies with repetition in uniform size, color, and material:

Image from BHG

It’s quite calming to the eye to use a monochromatic color scheme with bins/baskets.

Image from Clover Lane

When storage containers will be in plain view, make efforts to get similar styles and colors (try to use no more than 3 colors and make sure they compliment each other) to not add visual clutter.

Keep like colors with like colors in little color coordinated storage families:

Images from Me Oh My

Image from Country Living

Image from This Old House

Take a peek at almost any Container Store Office advertisement, and that is exactly what you’ll see as well.

The simple act of multiplying most any container produces instant eye appeal on open shelving:

Image via BHG

  • Baskets
Image from Bahraini Diva

  • Canvas bins
Image from I Heart Organizing
  • Boxes and/or magazine files

Image from BluLabelBungalow

Keep sizes/styles/textures consistent:

Image from Martha Stewart
No funds to go out and buy all kinds of expensive coordinating containers?
No problem!
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101 Fun Activities To Do With Your Child

101 Fun Activities To Do With Your Child

If you have viewed or used any of my Home Management planning printables, chances are you’ve noticed that there are not only check boxes for general home maintenance, but also to remind one to spend special time with children in the home.

Spending intentional un-interrupted time with your child has infinite rewards. No matter the quantity or quality of the toys they may have, it will never compare to simply being with you.

{photo credit}

Do I spend every waking moment engaging with my two young boys? No – far from it. I believe in the value of teaching a child to have independent play as well. After all, I’ve got a house to maintain, adult relationships to foster, as well as a drive pursue my individual interests and business pursuits. I do, however, make an intentional effort to spend several regular slots of time with them daily.

Read the rest of this article at Inspired to Action

Small Organizational Goals Provide Motivation Needed for BIG Jobs

Small Organizational Goals Provide Motivation Needed for BIG Jobs

If you’re feeling overwhelmed at the state of your space, start SMALL. 

Don’t know where to start?

Identify either the room/area where you are spending the most time, or that is the most out of order.  Decide before you begin how much time you have to devote to your work there (15 min?  30 min? an Hour?) Set a timer if you need the accountability to stay on track to the task at hand if needed.

Then, choose just ONE *small* area within that space to clear/sort at a time.

 Keep your focus small with what is right in front of you at the moment.

It can be tempting to go put something away in another area of the house when you come across it.

Instead, put out of place items in a ‘re-locate’ box.  Replacing these out of place items will be a separate task after you’ve completed the organizing task at hand.

Allow the success in one area (a shelf, a drawer, or even just a corner of a room or counter) propel you toward your next goal.

Need some help getting started or staying motivated with a big organizing project?  
Contact me!  I’d love to come alongside you to cheer you on, help keep you on task and aid in setting up personalized systems to help KEEP your space in order moving forward.

Solution Sleuth :: Organizing Hair Accessories

Solution Sleuth :: Organizing Hair Accessories

One of my favorite aspects of working with organizing clients is the opportunity to do a little creative brainstorming and detective style searching to come up with a solution to fit their unique needs.

A friend recently asked for some suggestions for organizing and storing the large amount of hair accessories that her 3 girls had accumulated.  They have a small bathroom that they all share and needed a space saving solution.

I suggested hanging up a large ribbon (or several) to simply clip hair pieces on like this:

This Pink Rose Bow Holder Can be purchased by Etsy Owner, Ewe and I

Here’s a few more fabulous solutions I found for organizing hair accessories!

 Via The Idea Room ~ A Craft Organizer box:

Via ~ An over-the-door shoe organizer:

Via It’s Good to be Queen ~ Thrifted peg rack

Which solution would work best in your home?  

How do you like to keep hair accessories in order?

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