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Welcome to ‘Day 3’ in the month long series of articles cataloging
  Simple Organizing Solutions

Before you even begin considering what organizing solution would best suit your individual needs, it’s crucial to address if there are any items that need to be moved out of your space.  

The bottom line is, the LESS ‘STUFF’ you have to maintain in your home, office or life, the MORE TIME you’ll have to truly enjoy the things that matter most.
I love what Joshua Becker said in his article, ‘More Time for The Things that Matter Most‘;
“…we have found that living with fewer possessions means that all our belongings have a standard place where they belong in our home, which makes cleaning a snap. I spend less time searching for books, keys, and shoes. In short, I spend far less time being the janitor for my possessions, and far more time doing the things I love.”

If you’re new to the practice of sorting through and letting go of personal possessions, or find the prospect of that task completely overwhelming, here is one of my favorite guiding principles by William Morris:

I’d also agree with Laura Wittman of I’m an Organizing Junkie, that one should probably also add to that quote, ‘Or what you have ROOM TO STORE’.

When I coach clients through the (sometimes difficult) task of determining what to keep or what to move out of their home, I always ask gentle leading and guiding questions to help them come to their own conclusions about the importance or practical use of their things.  Questions like, “When was the last time you used this?” – “Do you have anything else like it?”  – “What’s the worst that would happen if you got rid of it?’  
Often, they just need ‘permission’ to get rid of items they’ve hung onto ‘just in case’ or ‘because it was a gift’. 
I think we’d all rather think of our homes as a haven of rest surrounded by a few beautiful things that can truly be loved, used or admired rather than resemble a storage unit just full of ‘stuff’ we need to give valuable energy/attention to clean and maintain, or spend gobs of time searching for. 
Do you feel like your home could used a healthy De-Cluttering?
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